Monday, March 2, 2015


Woke up this morning and everything was covered in snow...Not just a flutter but good crisp deep snow.

On a morning like this living high up on the side of a mountain you have the breathtaking view of the valley below and the Comeragh Mountains on the other side all covered in a white blanket. 
It was early but I threw on a warm coat, socks and boots and took the camera outside.

Everywhere was silent. I wanted to venture into the woods at the side of the house but could see deer so I stayed in the garden.

 It felt so good to be outside enjoying the change in weather. It must have snowed quite a bit as the branches were heavy with it.  Branches like this always remind me of the poem by Thomas Hardy - Snow in the Suburbs.  'Every branch big with it, bent every twig with it.  ' What marvellous consonance and alliteration.
I walked out to the gate. Looked like only one or two cars had been up or down the road this morning.

I enjoyed every flake knowing that in a few hours without more showers this would all be gone. My cat Santana had followed me on my photo shoot not for the beauty but because she wanted to be fed. She deserved it so I fed her and my friends the birds. How blessed I am.

Everyone time for a good cup of tea.

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