Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Just One More

Sitting up past midnight
Ears straining for breath without wheeze
Sitting up praying you wouldn’t go with the night.

The intrusion of the telephone breaks
My concentration.
I hear his voice. It is soft
Words almost silent.
I run to him searching his face
And ask for my boots.

‘I wont be long’ I say and
Kiss him softly.
I drive without recollection
A Journey to my new life.

My brother stands weeping
Slouched against the door
My mother sits in stunned silence.

Entering the bedroom I  move to him
And kiss his cold beautiful face
The walls resound grace and
We all stand around in prayer.

We never said goodbye I thought
Was there need? He just knew
Like always I never had to ask.
He left us and the breathing became deeper
The lark had flown leaving
A young child to live on.

I still long for one more minute
To see his dark brown eyes
His smile
To hear him laugh –
Just one more minute
To say goodbye…

Angela M.C. D’Alton© 

Monday, March 2, 2015

One of my efforts...I like this one...


Woke up this morning and everything was covered in snow...Not just a flutter but good crisp deep snow.

On a morning like this living high up on the side of a mountain you have the breathtaking view of the valley below and the Comeragh Mountains on the other side all covered in a white blanket. 
It was early but I threw on a warm coat, socks and boots and took the camera outside.

Everywhere was silent. I wanted to venture into the woods at the side of the house but could see deer so I stayed in the garden.

 It felt so good to be outside enjoying the change in weather. It must have snowed quite a bit as the branches were heavy with it.  Branches like this always remind me of the poem by Thomas Hardy - Snow in the Suburbs.  'Every branch big with it, bent every twig with it.  ' What marvellous consonance and alliteration.
I walked out to the gate. Looked like only one or two cars had been up or down the road this morning.

I enjoyed every flake knowing that in a few hours without more showers this would all be gone. My cat Santana had followed me on my photo shoot not for the beauty but because she wanted to be fed. She deserved it so I fed her and my friends the birds. How blessed I am.

Everyone fed..now time for a good cup of tea.

Saturday, February 28, 2015


I know we cant live in the past but yesterday was one of the best days in a while. I had lunch with my two amazing sons in my favourite eating place L'Atitude 51 served by the insatiable and beautiful Simone and Sadhbh. After lunch we strolled over to one of my favourite shops in Cork - Brown Thomas to meet friends Terri (now a Sadie - married lady) and Rachel. The treat was to be made up by none other than Lancome's very own elite Marc Sinclair. You just have to love him not only because he is a genius but hes fun and gorgeous with it. He has made up some of the most beautiful and prestigious women in the world including Angelina Jolie, Judi Dench, Julie Andrews, and Kate Middleton to name just a few...But yesterday for a whole hour I was on the red carpet.  It was such a great buzz. When Brown Thomas and Lancome put on an event they really do a proper job, top people, champagne, chocolates, love and laughter. Despite the fact I dont drink or eat chocolate it didnt matter...even the glass of water was delicious.  Hugs and kisses, our goodbyes, drove home, had a delicious curry which believe it or not I made myself and watched The Good Wife.   I did enjoy my day.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Last night I finished reading H is for Hawk by Helen McDonald.....What a wonderful read. I cant recommend it highly enough. So if you havent read it go out, buy it and read it.  It wont be like anything you have ever read before which is its charm. Its quite a while since a book has touched my heart and my mind in such a glorious natural way.  I am sad I have finished it.  Today I feel lonely without it and I am thinking a lot of my father. I had the most fantastic father and the best of relationships and even though he has been dead a long time now...25 years well 26 this year I can still hear him laugh and see his handsome smiling face. And remember his love of nature and music. I can see him standing in our back garden feeding a robin from his hand.
On these kind of days while I take a break before my next read I head off with my camera. Here are some of my images. Hope you enjoy them...Dont forget to go buy H is for Hawk , read it and then tell all your friends....

Black Shadow on the Hillside

The grass is now growing
Where you lay.
The primroses I planted
To give you colour
To give me hope
Have receded with the snow
That for a while kept you warm.

This hillside will always be yours -
Your tracks and trails, your scent
Has marked the territory
Forever yours.

The woods so deep and dark
You conquered without fear
The stream you crossed or
Maybe chose the wooden bridge
To bring you home.
The joy we felt
From the love you gave
Forever faithful.

The paths are silent where you walked
The warm spots empty
Where you lay all summer long -
And the box deep inside the hay barn
Where you sheltered from the rain
An empty reminder now obsolete.
The fox stopped dropping by
But the cat stayed and the birds
Still sing.

Too long you shared your love
Sometimes we hear you in the silence
Always ready to run and play
Sometimes we see your shadow
Sometimes this, sometimes that.
But everyday we think of you
And remember –
Forever love.


Tuesday, February 24, 2015

The day dawns with dread
I feel you lurking in the shadows
A cool breeze gives respite to
My tortured mind
Too soon I am back inside-
Inside - outside
I am behind these prison walls

Another day you keep me here
Locked away from loving life
In chains I drag my feet slowly
Slower each day
I standstill now unable to move
Body and mind frozen in time.

I am on the inside
Yet I am free
Eight years is a long time
Inside or outside these prison walls
You committed the crime
Yet I am paying
For not being part
Of the plan
You wanted for me

I am  inside and free because I am light
You are  outside a prisoner
Of your own darkness

Angela M.C. D’Alton

I am Born

I am born; I am born of you -
You lying in this sterile faded ward -
One of many-
In a building echoing sounds
Of old hunger, suffocating air and decay.

Time passes here -
Slowly, quickly - does it matter?
She stares into shapes-
Oblivious to voices once familiar.
Gently I stroke her hand.
She smiles like a child -
I remember when I was the child
And she held mine.

Her skeletal form rests on the white linen sheets -
And as I trace each finger with my own
Tears blind my thoughts of -
Loving worlds made with her hands.
She is peaceful and smiles.

Did she say my name?
I move closer
Softly I kiss her thin white forehead.
'I love you Mam.' -
Words tumble through my tears.
An echo - 'I love you too'
Spoken with a smile but -
Without recognition.

Looking at her as I leave
Seeing her
Just lying, smiling, waiting -
I think -
I know you do Mam
You always did.

Angela M.C. D'Alton


New start

Today, well a few moments ago to be precise I finished my short story for the RTE competition. 
I dont really like competition in the arts but thought I would have a go anyway.
I'm not really a short story writer. ,The limit for this was 2,000 words. That normally would be very difficult for me. But my new story Milly, is only 1200. Not sure if thats going to be enough.  Will take another look at it later.  For now I am just happy to be writing again.